
November 2023 is our month of prayer, vision and commitment.  As we continue to work out what it means to be a church ‘For the City’, the vision can be condensed into three aspects:

  • love your city – church planting/grafting, social action
  • love where you live – Tables & house churches in our neighbourhoods
  • love where you are – our everyday connections at work, in social space etc

As we work these out together, the aim is for everyone who is part of STC to find a way to belong, serve and give.  We belong to a family – a wonderful church family! – and that means we all pitch in to help and encourage one another by serving (both one another and those currently outside the church) and giving (financially if you can, or in other creative ways).

It would be so helpful if everyone in STC could complete both the forms below.  The first one is what we’re calling the ‘Census’ – who’s in our church family and what’s the best way of keeping in touch?  The second one is the ‘Giving form’ as we decide what financial giving we will commit to in 2024.  The forms are separate and different to keep your financial information confidential.

Census Form Giving Form

If you can, please complete both forms by 31st November 2023.  Thank you so much!

  • Belong

    Belonging is a basic human need - we all want to make connections and form communities, whatever that may look like.

    At STC we want everyone to be known, seen and loved!  This is why we have those 'talk to your neighbour' moments in church - it may be awkward at first but it's all part of the journey from being a bunch of strangers who happen to meet in the same place, to being a genuine family.

    We'd love to have (or update) your contact details so we can include you in communications and in the life of the church in general.  Please fill in the 'census' form to help us make sure we're using the right details.

  • Serve

    Part of being a family is all pitching in together.  Everyone gets to play some sort of part, whether that's small or large.  Your time and talents are valuable to God and whether you are already on a team, interested in joining one or are able to support in prayer, it's all part of the bigger picture.

    The census asks what you're passionate about - what are the particular skills and gifts that you could use?

  • Give

    The final part of the 'fuel' is financial giving.  Maintaining the church building, running ministries and stepping out in mission all need to be resourced financially.  Whether you can give a little or a lot is up to you and God, but the principle is for all of us to give in some way towards the life and work of the church.