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Jeremiah 29:4-7

Join us for this week's message as we head down the hill to Philadelphia where Team Leader Tom Finnemore finishes...

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Letting Go

Alan Ward concludes our series on "Living Under Restrictions" with a look at Moses' final moments as he handed over...

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Holy Communion

Join us for this week's message as Casey Strine teaching from the gospel of Luke and John on Holy Communion....

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The Great Banquet

Join us for this week's message as Rohan, Grace and Tom Share their thoughts on the great banquet *This message...

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Exodus 33:12-23

Join us for this week's message as Abby Murphy continues our series "Living Under Restrictions - How to Navigate 2021"...

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Jeremiah 29:1-7

Join us for this week's evening message as we head down the hill to Philadelphia where our Special Guest, the...

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Culture Shapers

Join us for this week's message as we head down the hill to Philadelphia where Baptist Minister Alan Ward challenges...

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Join us for this week's message as Sam Watson continues our series "Philoxenia: Grace in an Age of Cancel Culture"...