Vision & Commitment 2023

Our vision is to be a church ‘For The City’. This can be condensed into three key aspects:

  • love your city – church planting/grafting, social action
  • love where you live – Tables & house churches in our neighbourhoods
  • love where you are – our everyday contexts

We are a family of hope sharing Jesus with Sheffield. In a family, everyone has something they can contribute. We’d love everyone who is part of STC to belong, serve and give.

As part of this, if you consider STC to be your church, please help us by doing the following two things: commit to give financially and confirm/update your personal details. You can do this via the two links below:

Census Form Giving Form

The forms are separate and different to keep your financial information confidential.

You can also still give to our 2023 Gift Day which is towards STC becoming a Minster Church: creating a more sustainable campus, raising up leaders, and working with young people and the vulnerable.

Thank you so much!